The New School Radical Student Union

is a union of radical students at the New School University in New York City. We are interested in communicating with other students committed to building a democratic and just society. We are a member organization of United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) and the Student Environmental Action Coalition. Please click here to read our Points of Unity.

It's Not Over Yet!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hello everyone! It's great that we won several demands and I hope to see everyone at the post-occupation party tonight in Bushwick.

However, over break we need to begin preparing to mobilize a larger section of the faculty and student body to hold the administration accountable to the demands they agreed to and to pressure the administration to meet the rest of our demands. Kerrey and Murtha are still in power, our university has still not agreed to disclose its investments, Millard - a war profiteer - is still the treasurer of our university, capital improvements are still going through as our education becomes increasingly expensive and loans become harder to obtain, students continue to lack adequate academic and social space, and we still lack adequate decision-making power within the institution.

Y'all are amazing and we should be proud of our victory - let's celebrate, but we cannot lose sight of our larger goals. Whatever it takes: education, demonstrations, occupations, or strikes. WE WILL WIN!